Thursday, July 12, 2012

Stationery card

Bright Merry Cheer Christmas Card
Customize your Christmas cards this holiday at
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Camping #2

Well for our second camping trip of the season we went to Riffe Lake which is in the west side of Washington and it has excellent fishing(for the guys). We went with our good friends Russ and Kimber. We had such a blast despite the torrential downpour of rain! Unfortunately this is the only picture I took that weekend but it is near and dear to my heart. I love tent pictures, I just think they are so cute and fun :) 

Oregon Trip

We were blessed with a weekend off in the beginning of June and were able to make a trip down to Eugene. We had Victor's brother's high school graduation, a friend's wedding, a big three-way birthday party (Mindy, Whitney, Dad), Bette's (niece) 2nd birthday party, and just catching up and hanging out with our friends! It was a crazy busy and super fun weekend!

On the road to Oregon...

A cool replica of Stonehenge

Our sweet niece Hannah and nephew Nathan

Emily's (2nd from left) coffee themed bridal shower

One from our family photo shoot

Some fun and uber doober cute, if I do say so myself, pictures that Kirsten took :)

Vic and his brother's at Blake's high school graduation

Kirsten's Visit

The very last weekend in June my very best friend Kirsten had a long weekend off of work so she came up to see us! This is her second visit to Yakima but the first time she's seen our new house! It was so much fun to get to hang out with her and have some fun friend bonding time! 

Day 1: Kickball and floating lanterns (which ended up falling in the back of our property and catching some of the brush on fire!)

Day 2: Doily art projects!

Day 3: Hiking the Cowiche Canyon Trail!

Lightning Storm

On Sunday night there was a crazy thunder and lighting storm in the Yakima Valley! I have never seen lighting like this before, it was striking every 30 seconds! We stood outside and took pictures and videos of this crazy event which apparently is much more normal here in Yakima! EEEE... scary!