I am dying to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Whenever we are in a store and see those sweet little clothes, it takes everything in me to walk away. I looked online to find some old wives tales on how to figure out if it is a boy or a girl. Here is the list of what I found...
Ring Test: Tie your wedding ring around yarn/string/whatever you have and hold it above your baby bump. If it swings back and forth it's a boy, if it goes in circles it's a girl.
Heart Rate: If your little one's heart rate is 140 and above then it's a girl. Below 140, a boy.
Morning Sickness: If you have lots of morning sickness well past your first trimester, it's a girl.
Chinese Birth Chart: There is some
Chinese calender that calculates the month of conception and how old you were at the time of conception to figure it out.
Cravings: If you are craving sweets then it's a girl, because girls are so sweet! If you are craving sour and salty foods, it's a boy.
Face: Apparently the shape of your face is very telling in pregnancy. A round face says that you are having a girl, but what if your face was round to begin with?
Sleep Position: Sleeping on your left side says boy and the right says girl. And stomach says both?
Toddler Advice: Since toddlers think they know everything anyways, we might as well ask them for some advice. The wise words of a toddler can tell you whether it's a boy or a girl. I asked the older two of the little guys I nanny. They were surprisingly on the same page.
Acne: Breaking out a lot during pregnancy is due to all the extra hormones so they say that if you are constantly back in middle school going through puberty then it's a girl from all those wonderful estrogen hormones. What if my husband is breaking out? That must count for something right?
Graceful vs. Clumsy: Since all girls are graceful, haha, then being graceful during pregnancy is a sign of a little girl. Clumsiness is a sign of a boy
Mood Swings: Since girls aren't always nice, mood swings are a sign that it's a girl. Sorry husband!
Even or Odd: If the year your conceived and your age are both even or both odd then it's a girl. If it's one of each, a boy.
Dreams: Dreaming of your sweet little pea that is growing ever so sweetly in your tummy? Well apparently dreams don't come true because it is said to be the opposite gender of what you dream about.
Breast Size: Some women are blessed with boobs that are the same size. Unfortunately there are those of us who are not so. If your right breast is larger, it's a girl. The left, boy.
BOY: 6
Nothing definitive. I guess I'll just have to wait for that ultrasound in 6 weeks!